Muggy Bets! Spreadsheet


Muggy Bets spreadsheet! Selections where you can win BIG! Includes Muggy Bet of the day!





Muggy bets choses games where it thinks there might be a chance to land BIG!!!

Muggy bets has a MUGGY BET OF THE DAY! and several other muggy bets for you to chose from.

Important: before purchasing, you must have a very modern version of Excel. If your excel is 2013 or older then we recommend to update for Muggy Bets to work. Please do not buy if you have an old version of Excel.

Excel 365 is perfect, Excel 2019, Excel 2021 are all good

Excel 2016 good

Excel 2013 temperamental (unsupported)

Excel 2010 temperamental (unsupported)

Anything older – won’t work



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